You Posted by updated on February 27, 2017
Updated on February 27th, 2017

A girl doing the exercises recommended on the 5 Factor Diet
A girl doing the exercises recommended on the 5 Factor Diet

The 5 Factor Diet was designed by trainer Harley Pasternak for people that need to lose weight fast and, at the same time, get in shape without feeling hungry and weak. The diet is based on the magic number 5. During five weeks you must eat five meals a day and do five training sessions a week with five exercises each of them.

In the 5 Factor Diet, each meal has five ingredients and they have to prepare it in no more than five minutes. The 5 Factor Diet meals must be low in fat and calories and rich in lean protein like chicken, fish, eggs or, better, white of egg. You can also have low-fat dairy. In every meal should be fruits and vegetables, whole grain fiber, monounsaturated fats and water. You have to avoid all refined flour, and food and liquids with added sugar.

Before every meal you must drink a glass of water. So you will eat less food.

It is very important not to skip any meal. This would make the body to work to store fat instead of burn it. At the contrary, eating 5 times a day would increase the metabolism to burn fat.

Anyway, the 5 Factor Diet give you a reward: Once a week you can eat anything!

5 factor diet is a very logical pattern to reduce weight.especially if you are at home or work from home. If you depend on restaurants, hotels, takes-away it will be more difficult to keep it. One trick could be to leave the two “free days” for the week days and stick to the diet on Saturdays and Sundays. This is a solution, anyway, that your friends probably wouldn’t agree. You can solve the missing three days with numbered lunch boxes prepared beforehand.

Not nice the 5 Factor Diet?