Updated on April 12, 2017
The oatmeal diet first visible consequences are that you will start watching how your belly is reduced and your waist area takes shape. However, there are many other results that will follow if you stick to the oatmeal diet and maintain it enough time. The main objective of this diet is to help you to lose weight by purifying your body thoroughly, eliminating toxic substances, harmful fats and bad cholesterol from your intestines and bloodstream.
At least, this is what the oatmeal diet advocates assure us.
Oats, as well as oat bran, are one of the foods that contains lots of soluble fiber. This fiber has the property of catching cholesterol from bile salts, used by our body to enhance our digestion, and prevents the intestine from recovering it in its secular mechanism of energy saving. That way, the cholesterol will be drawn outwards with the oat fiber. This is a scientifically proved fact, so you can rely on oatmeal diet for the purpose.
Advantages of the oatmeal diet
Oatmeal diet is very easy to carry and gives fast and safe results. If you take it conveniently you will see how you can lose from 3 to 5 kilos in just 10 days, which is an acceptable average for healthy individuals. Nevertheless, we always advise to check it with your doctor first. Any loss weight plan never can be started without medical or nutritionist advice. Oat meal diet is not an exception, and although we consider it one of the least aggressive diets, the visit to the doctor or nutritionist is not something that you should skip.
One of the great advantages of the oat is that it is a complete cereal, with many nutrients and low caloric level. It also has the property of providing you with a feeling of satiety in your stomach for several hours. It will take time to you became hungry again. At the same time you will be well nourished, avoiding one of the causes of overweight, that is poor nutrition).
Planning the oatmeal diet
Being an oats consumer myself, I would recommend to alternate the consumption of this cereal with some other food. It is true that I am not in a process of losing weight. The main reason is that I keep my diet balance all the year through.
Anyway, if you prefer, this should be a typical oatmeal diet:
A) Clean your refrigerator and you pantry of unsuitable food products. Get rid of animal fats, processed food, sausages, fatty dairy products, bread, biscuits and so on.
B) Tell your family not to bring them back. The best option should be asking them to accompany you dieting.
c) Buy oats flakes and oat bran, skimmed, soy or oat and lot of non caloric fruit. Avoid grapes, figs, and so on.
Consider that the goal of the oatmeal diet is to burn and eliminate leftovers and toxic accumulations of the body. For this reason you must avoid products that do not nourish you and only fill you up with empty calories. With them, the oatmeal diet will not function and you may finish the experience weighing more than when you started.
During the first week, you will eat only oats, bran oats, fruit and some skimmed milk. You can combine them as you like. Remember that soaking the cereal in hot water will make it softer. Don’t forget to drink at least two additional liters of water a day. It will hydrate you and will satiate you ever more.
After this first week, you can have a more varied nutrition. Have two oats meals with fruit or vegetables and add another daily meal with a healthy and low-fat ingredients (Roast turkey, roast chicken). Continue avoiding refined products, sweets, sugar, animal fats (except small oily fresh fish), sausages and flours. Three months like this will clean your body from all the toxic products that made you gain weight. Probably you will get new habits that you should keep for the rest of your life.
Foods that are suggested during the oatmeal diet are: fresh vegetables (fruits and vegetables, trying not to combine fruits with other foods so that their sugar does not ferment them. Fruits should be eaten alone, on an empty stomach, and I did not eat anything after 30 minutes). Suggested vegetables are oranges, lemons, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, spinach, celery, etc. In addition to this, almonds, nuts and seeds like sesame, sunflower, etc., broths of vegetables not very cooked, herbal tea, fresh cheeses, whole pasta, whole bakery (2 pieces a day) are recommended.