Mediterranean Diet

Get rid of junk fodder!

Updated on March 20, 2017

March 20, 2017
Get rid of junk fodder!
Posted by Updated on March 20, 2017

Real food: A lactating mother

Come back to real food

If your New Year resolution has AGAIN something to be with weighting loss, do me a favor, do not cheat yourself. If your problem got really out of control, don’t hesitate and ask for professional help. If you are simply overweighed, do not tray to blame your metabolism, your genes or your bad luck. You should blame your lack of willpower to control what you eat, drink or the exercise you practice. Gaining weight is the result of eating more of what you need, considering your level of activity. None of the latest fad diet is going to provoke the miracle of turning you slimmer. Neither will do it the Mediterranean Diet. You have to be the sole actor of your own change. Nobody or nothing will be able to help you if you do not have an indomitable self-determination to improve your life.

If you can get the needed self-confidence and willpower, just start walking. In these pages you have enough information to guide you. I am not going to give you more excuses to delay what you have to start when you decide to start. Not before and not later. Just in the very moment you have decided it. But do not seek to gain time looking for impossible solutions. The first step is throwing away all the rubbish you are eating now and starting consuming real food. And the second is that you will have to increase your physical activity.

Once you feel your body is free of the poison coming from sugar burden, trans-fat laden products and junk fodder, you will be able to think more rationally and build your nutrition pattern. Come back then and see what the original Mediterranean Diet can do for you.

I will be waiting.

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