Back after eight months!
Updated on March 25, 2017
March 25, 2017
Broccoli microwave is a very healthy dish of the Mediterranean Diet
View of the Mediterranean Sea
Since my last post in February, I have been out of the modern civilization. During these months I have almost forgotten the problems of overeating, overweight and obesity, as well as its side effects in heart, blood-pressure, cholesterol, stroke, kidney failure, arthritis, bone deterioration, and especially, very especially, in self-esteem.
During these months, I have been engaged in a help program to save as many people as possible from starvation. But, unfortunately, some of them died right in front of us, most of them children. At the beginning, many of us tried to use part of our daily food to help others. But we were forced by the leaders of the organization to eat our servings in their presence, as the portions were just figured out to keep us with enough strength to work from sunrise to sunset, seven days a week.
Anyway, I have lost twenty pounds during this period. But I am not going to make any special effort to regain them. I still feel guilty when I eat more than I need. On the other hand, it is as when you understand that you have received one the most beautiful gifts of your life. For a certain time I will have the opportunity to enjoy delicious and unexpected surprises. Those that the Mediterranean Diet offers you every day around each corner.
Anyway, after my return, I have had the opportunity to observe that malnutrition problems in our developed countries have worsened with the global economic crisis. Even more people are increasingly substituting natural food for processed products, as they are cheaper and easier to prepare. Advertisements are more frequently presenting questionable food products as very healthy ones, even for children. The result is a new “plaga” that will cut the future world life expectancy in a significant numbers of years.