Mediterranean Diet

Mind your steps

Updated on March 11, 2017

March 11, 2017
Do not eat and work at the same time. Mind your step
Posted by Updated on March 11, 2017

A group of people eating as they work

In the second case, it is also possible that you live without any specific purpose, without paying any attention to the everyday steps and decisions that you have to take in your life’s journey.

Moreover, you may also have another important problem related to your health. Probably you will eat and drink, or even smoke, without becoming aware of the stuff you are putting inside your body. Remember it is about your body we are talking about, not someone else’s.

Have you ever climbed a mountain? I do not mean the Everest, but a smaller one, a 2000-3000 feet mountain that you can accomplish in one day. If it is the case, try to remember how you or your guide planned the action, the way you prepared yourself for it and the careful and mindful steps you had to give to succeed, especially in the most difficult parts. If you have never even tried it, it can be your next challenge. Do research, prepare yourself physically and mentally for it, and seek proper companionship. It will bring a little bit of discipline and attention to your actions.

A better attention to what I was doing allowed me to eliminate the 10 pounds of fat that I did not need in my body. Sometimes I was too worried or too busy to become aware of what I was eating, what I was eating and the amount I was eating. Frequently, when visiting people in their offices or own homes, I was offered something to drink or eat that I never used to refuse. On other occasions, when discussing an important problem around a meal, I discovered myself eating in an uncontrolled way. Some evenings, as watching an interesting film or program, for still unknown reasons, I used to pay continuous visits to the fridge to snack something.

I decided to take the control. Now, before doing something I think twice. I only drink when I am thirsty or eat when I am hungry.

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