Obesity has turned into a pandemic disease
Updated on March 25, 2017
March 25, 2017
Obesity is spreading more and more, turning into a pandemic disease
A lady affected by the pandemic disease of obesity
A disease has not to be infectious in the organic sense to be considered a pandemic disease. This term (coming from Greek, pan= all, demos=people) describes a sickness outbreak all over the world, generally affecting a high proportion of the population.
In this sense, obesity is spreading more and more, including through the poorest countries. It is not uncommon to see the coexistence of undernutrition and overweight in the same city, the same village and even the same home. The main reasons are the low quality of the daily nutrition associated with the abandon of manual work and walking commuting.
The main recommendation against this pandemic disease would be: “Don’t eat eat less, eat different and be more active”.
Nevertheless, we can offer some more pieces of advice:
- Buy only natural unprocessed food.
- Drink mainly water. From time to time, a beer or a glass or wine may be a well earned reward. Avoid sodas or prepared juices. Don’t buy them. Don’t keep them at home for “visitors”. You will be your best customer.
- Don’t add sugar to anything. Don’t keep it at home. Don’t buy sweets. On special occasions, you can find a little bit of comfort in a small piece of dark sour chocolate. But beware! It is very caloric and addictive.
- Keep at home low calorie fruit as apples and oranges.
- Limit the intake of meat, especially red one.
- Increase the intake of fresh vegetables, boiled, steamed or grilled. You can add a few drops of virgin olive oil.
- Buy skimmed dairy products.
- Change refined for whole cereals. Eat less bread.
- Don’t buy “bags”! Chips, snacks, pretzels, fried corn, pop corn, etc. are full of fats and salt. They will make you gain weight very quickly.
- Limit the weekly time for TV. Plan carefully the programs you and your family intend to watch. Avoid indiscriminate TV consuming.