Mediterranean Diet and depression
March 25, 2017
There is a close correlation between Mediterranean Diet and depression recovery
Mediterranean Diet and depression recovery
The journal of BMC Medicine published, in 2009, a study conducted by Spanish Dr. Almudena Sanchez-Villegas, from the University of Las Palmas (the Canary Islands) and her team. In this study, they concluded that Mediterranean Diet and depression recovery are very much related. It is an excellent method to prevent and treat depression. In the research participated in 10,094 Spanish citizens.
On the following years, and despite having intensified the case study, the researchers could not discover what might be the reasons for this important and decisive fact. Anyway, they had uncountable pieces of evidence showing the high risk of getting this disease by the consumers of some type of fast food. Therefore, they suspected that the villain could be the intake of high levels of trans fats. These fats are still permitted in many parts of the world, and even in many states and cities of USA. They may cause depression, inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, infertility and many other disorders. Nevertheless, trans fat free food does not seem to function in the same way that Mediterranean Diet. The protective action of olive oil, fresh fruit and vegetables, and active lifestyle is undoubtedly decisive.
Mediterranean Diet and depression
At the same time, there is a psychological factor associated with this diet. First, it is a medium/long term diet, and this is a good start. “Miracle” diets, that promise a drastic weight reduction, are very dangerous and not very appropriate for people suffering from depression or anxiety. It is very well known that a not accepted obesity causes anguish and distress. This happens especially after several failed attempts to reduce weight with “fad” diets. Finding the solution to the problem and taking the necessary steps to implement that solution is, beyond any doubt, a great relief.
When adopting Mediterranean Diet, weight reduction will not happen overnight. It will be gradual, but permanent! Nevertheless, as soon as you had changed your life and nutrition style, your worries will disappear, in this case very quickly. Very often, the problem is not being overweighed, but the sensation of impotence after many lost battles.
In this blog you can find the answer.
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