Be a positive role model for your children
Updated on March 25, 2017
March 25, 2017
Be a positive role model for your children
You can influence your children positive or negatively.
Anything a respected adult does in front of children become an example for them. Either at home, in the supermarket, cooking or eating, adults are sending permanent behaviour messages to children. Consequently it is extremely important that parents and trainers teach children acting better than talking.
If a person advice a youngster not to smoke, and at the same time this person is smoking in front of him, the advice is useless.
If you watch families at the supermarket, and all or most of them are obese, try to watch the cart. Very frequently, you will see it full of manufactured products, and with a significant absence of fresh products, vegetables and fruit.
Later, victims and many doctors will blame the genetic factors of these disorders. Disorders that have their origin in inadequate nutrition habits, most of them created and fostered from childhood.
A few days ago I saw a grandmother looking after her grandson. They were at the supermarket Iand I could see how she was buying a dozen of those chocolates eggs wrapped in aluminum paper, those that hide a small toy inside them. I noticed it as she asked permission to an attendant to give one of these eggs to the baby, an eight or nine month’s old child, who apparently was anxious to eat one. This child was already addicted to those harmful pieces of stuff even before being one year old!
I asked the lady if the parents’ child were aware of this practice, and when she refused to answer, telling me “that it was not my business”, I told her I could report this behavior to the social authorities, and that she could be prosecuted for it. Anyway, the solution for these problems starts with adequate adult information. Nevertheless, health authorities are considering punishing extreme cases of malnutrition. Fattening a child is no better than keeping them in a permanent state of hunger.
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