March 11, 2017
Mediterranean Meals in Groups can be the answer to preserve this Lifestyle from disappearing
In the Mediterranean Diet you can find delicious meals.
Mediterranean Diet Groups can be the answer to preserve this Lifestyle from disappearing. Latest report reveals that Spain has reached the highest rate of child obesity in European Union and almost equals USA level. Apart from Governmental actions as controlling food publicity, regulating school meals, banning some types of products, most of them related to trans fats, some further actions must be taken by the population. Nevertheless, the first measure is to involve citizens in new lifestyle patterns and educate them. And to make clear to parents that their way of life is going to be followed by their children.
When you go to the supermarket and see the trolleys of some families, you can easily understand why all the members of those families are condemned to be obese. If you look at the people who push the trolleys, we will confirm this fact. Generally, all of them are overweight.
It has been observed that joining a proper group can be the best therapy to learn how to change your unhealthy habits.
Your environment is extremely relevant to develop healthy habits. If your family context is not positive, you should try changing it. It is a difficult task that needs time and patience. It is clear that joining an appropriate group can be the best therapy to learn how to change your unhealthy habits.
Mediterranean Groups can be the solution.
Yesterday, one of these Mediterranean Diet Groups met to enjoy a Mediterranean meal. It was not a typical menu of salad, vegetables, grilled meat of fish. It was a “puchero”. It is a very ancient and traditional Mediterranean meal. To make it, you cook together different types of meats as veal, pork, chicken, fresh bacon, “chorizo” (a type of Spanish sausage), “morcilla” (black pudding) and some vegetables and legumes as cabbage, celery and chickpeas. Before of that they enjoyed a superb “jamón iberico” (Iberian ham).
None of them is overweight. But none of them has these types of food daily. The secret is to balance the food intake and to do frequent exercise.
Is any of them overweight?.