March 24, 2017
A little bit of daily sun is good for your health
Have a little bit of sun every day.
It is possible that an exposure of about ten minutes of sun a day could be one of the healthier habits we could acquire in our lives. Sun is almost the unique natural source of D vitamin for the human being, as only a few foods contain it and in very small quantities.
Long time ago, our ancestor used to spend hours at the open air, working, walking or practicing outdoor sports. Today, these practices have been changed for an indoors style of life. Computers, meeting rooms, restaurants, tv lounges, airports and many other similar places are our natural environment of work and leisure.
Even when we go to the beach to spend a few hours under the aggressive sun at the most dangerous time of the day in the most dangerous season of the warmest countries, sometimes just for a few days a year, we go completely covered with 30+ protection factor sun creams that do not allow us getting the benefits of the sun.
All we need is a ten minutes unprotected exposure to the sun a few hours in the morning, or in the late afternoon, everyday and all the year through. A three or four week’s holiday cannot replace it.
So, our almost unique and most important source of vitamin D has been cut. And this is something that is going to have a big impact not only in our lives but in our future as specie. Only a few types of natural food can give us this vitamin. However, we would need every day one pound of sardines, 40 eggs, 5 pounds of liver to get the recommended daily intake.
It recently has been discovered that D vitamin is not only is an essential factor for our bones. Our heart, our immune system, our brain and possibly many other organs need D vitamin to keep in shape. It has been observed too that in some Nordic countries the incidence of about seventeen types of cancer is higher.
The knowledge of these facts is making people rush to the chemist’s to buy something that never have been traditionally sold in these shops. Only the rising demand is making some laboratories to produce Vitamin D supplements in the form of pills. However, their long-term effect has not been studied. Until a few years ago, the only known supplement was the cod-liver oil. It is possible that a big amount of people remembers its taste. Nevertheless, today you can find them in less flavor aggressive capsules.
The Children Hospital in Los Angeles has studied a possible relation between Vitamin D deficiencies and obesity. Other 63 studies from California Universities establish a link between a Vitamin D deficiency and ovarian, colon, prostate and breast cancers. Diabetes type I, depression, MS (Multiple sclerosis), Alzheimer and Parkinson are also related.
So, look for a little bit of sun!
Bluish fish is the most importante souce of D Vitamin