Try to live in a healthy environment
Updated on March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Healthy environment is a very important factor to live longer and better
Try to live in a healthy environment
Recently, the University of Maastricht has published a ten-year study about what make people live longer. They followed 120,000 men and women who twenty years ago were aged 55 to 69. Compared with a control group, they lived or have lengthened their lives an average of fifteen years more. The studied people followed a Mediterranean Diet, did not smoke, control their weight and made some exercise. Anyway, the research did not mention that most of them lived in coastal zones or far away from big, dense and polluted areas. Not in a healthy environment.
I am quite sure that Mediterranean people live longer not only for their healthy diet (the everyday less people that follow it). They also live longer because they have a healthy environment. I remember having lived in big cities, where the pollution is very high. I had problems with asthma, frequent cold, flus, headaches and many other problems. Then I decided to move to the sea side. I have never seen pollution in coastal zones.
At the present moment, there are privileged places where you can move to easily. You can buy or rent a house in many coastal places, where pollution does not exist. There a certain group of people that is already doing this. They are retired from other countries and regions. Nevertheless, the new ways of teleworking allow some others to settle in healthier areas and manage their business from there. It’s a big save in transport and energy.
Looking for more factors for a healthy lifestyle, there are some indicators related to nutrition that have a clear influence in health. It has been discovered that if there are several vegetables and fruits sales points in your area, your habits will be healthier. At the contrary, if you can find many junk food establishments around you, your health is at risk.
A picture taken by the author as he practice his daily exercise
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