Mediterranean Diet

The best things in life are free

Updated on March 11, 2017

March 11, 2017
Best things are free. Remember it. Free but priceless!
Posted by Updated on March 11, 2017

Married couple hugging each other

Mediterranean Diet is free.

A few days ago, I talk with a beautiful young lady about her diet habits. She told me that was following a new fad diet, a new-old one that could really harm her health. When I warn her about the high risks of her behavior, she told me that she had to lose weight. Why don’t you adhere to the natural Mediterranean Diet? I asked her.

Her reply surprised me a lot. “The Mediterranean Diet is free. And I am paying quite a lot of money to my nutritionist, who has recommended me the specific diet I am following.”

I have to say that the same lady also spends huge amounts of money to discover her future. She visits regularly astrologists, modern sort of witches, horoscope interpreters and any kind of scammers, the more expensive, the better.

“I can tell your future,” I said to her. “But being free, you are not going to consider it. You are going to die young and poor if you continue acting as you do. And my future is not inevitable, but a hundred per cent true if the present situation does not stop.”

I can imagine that many people pay no attention to the Mediterranean Diet for the same reason. Our diet does not recommend bars, shakes, pills, complicated books, calories count, and many other paraphernalia designs to impress people without any solid criteria. Simple food is vulgar, especially if is mostly vegetables, fruits, fish, etc.

Decades ago, Mediterranean Diet was a diet for poor people, mainly peasants. Today, in developed countries, you have to pay good money for this healthy food. However, it is better than paying for something that can destroy your liver, your brain, your kidney or your heart.

Remember that the best things are at no cost. Free sex is much better than paid sex!

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