Mediterranean Diet

Weight Loss Tip 16: Filter the food advertisements

Updated on March 12, 2017

March 12, 2017
Be careful with the food advertisements and filter them in your brain
Posted by Updated on March 12, 2017

An adorable girl eating a hamburger

The food advertisements

It is very difficult that you spend one hour of your life without coming across food advertisements, unless you are sleeping. Supposing you’d followed only a one percent of them, you would be in serious health problems. And if you’d based your diet on the mass media “advices”, you would be dead long time ago.

So, be careful with the food advertisements and filter them in your brain.

These ads present to you beautiful and slim girls or boys eating or drinking the promoted products. You have to see what there are behind these images: the reality. Try to imagine them, or better, and as I said in the previous post, take the “shots” from the real life.

Try to reconvert the perception of the advertisements. Do not forget that they are attempting against your life.

A fat girl devouring a hamburger

The reality

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