Weight Loss Tip 8: Why green tea?
Updated on March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Green tea has been considered and used as a medicine in China in the last four thousand years
A few days ago, I said that I usually take green tea for breakfast, mixed with high quality skimmed milk. Is this behavior a feature of the Mediterranean Diet? Of course not. Or yes, if I may say so. If you are a follower of the Mediterranean Diet, you encourage people to have the healthiest products and, among them, those that suit you best. In my case, coffee and other teas are more aggressive towards my stomach, so I drink green tea.
Green tea has been considered and used as a medicine in China in the last four thousand years. I suppose that in these years it must have been thoroughly tested. This could be another tip for Mediterranean Diet: Do not eat new things. Eat only products that human being has been consuming for thousands of years.
There are many types of green teas. The one I take is a loose tea called “gunpowder”. It’s only green tea, without any other product or blend as jasmine or whatever. It has a considerable proportion of polyphenols, the same compounds that you can find in red wine. In order to preserve the maximum quantity of them, I put the tea on hot water, half a minute after it stops boiling.
There are several studies which seems to prove that green tea can prevent many diseases, as: cancer, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, high “bad” cholesterol levels, and many other cardiovascular disorders. It is also supposed to boost the immune system.
I also said in a previous post that I drink 1 liter of tea for breakfast. This means two pints. I even use a pint beer mug to drink the first one easily as an “early morning tea”. The second comes minutes later with the breakfast. And I like it without any sugar or sweetener. Now, I couldn’t drink it sweet.
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