Mediterranean Diet

Weight Loss Tip 7: Buy a dog

Updated on March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017
Buy a dog. If you have one, you will be compelled to take it out
Posted by Updated on March 14, 2017

Man being pulled by the dog at high speed

I am not going to bore you with Universities Studies or surveys. However, there are several facts that I have checked to be true along the years. The first one is that if you have a dog, you will be compelled to take it out, and this will be derived to a healthy exercise for both. Consequently, most of the people who have dogs are healthier, have a better life quality and live longer.

Another benefit is that you will have less risk of getting depressed. The dog company, the daily exercise and the people you meet during these walks, will maintain you in a high mood.

Walking with my dog

I want you to know that all the tips I am bringing to you in this series, come from my real life. I eat big, very big salads; I do physical exercise, and I have a dog. Sometimes I discuss problems with my dog and probably because he does not speak yet, listen to me carefully and sometimes give me a hint (a signal). I normally solve the problem during the walk.

There is nothing as putting an issue into words to see it clearly. If I walked speaking alone, many people would think that I am mad. However, when they see me talking to the dog, they get interested. As the dog looks at me from time to time, the people’s curiosity increases.

Jack Nicholson in the Film As good as it get, talking to the brussels griffon

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