Mediterranean Diet

Weight Loss Tip 6: Physical exercise

Updated on March 12, 2017

March 12, 2017
Physical exercise is part of the Mediterranean Diet
Posted by Updated on March 12, 2017

Senior gentleman jogging by the countryside

One of the most important parts of the Mediterranean Diet is the practice of a regular physical exercise. It will contribute to prevent many cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and many others.

You have to choose the type of activity or sport that might suit more to you. Your preferences are important, as the place where you live, your friends and the time you can dedicate to it.

There are three types of physical exercise: aerobic, anaerobic and fitness training. The first one is the most adequate to prevent cardiovascular diseases. It consists of an activity from a medium to long duration (from 15 minutes to two hours depending on the age and condition) and low intensity, non explosive, that helps to keep all your body on shape, specially heart and lungs.

During the process, glycogen is split into glucose and burnt out. When the level of muscles complex carbohydrates lows, fat metabolism is triggered to produce more energy. Anyway, this process only occurs on long periods of sports (longer than one hour).

Now you have to choose your sport. To do a really aerobic exercise (that means “with oxygen”), you must be able to keep it a certain time without getting exhausted or being obliged to stop. Some of them are walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, etc. It depends on you.

I go swimming several days a week all the year through (two hours) in the Mediterranean Sea. In winter time, I use neoprene equipment and train more my legs with a good pair of fins.

You have to try some to see which one suit you best. You could join a group of friends, as doing it alone is sometimes boring. Once you are sure, invest in good equipment. And off you go!

Try to plan your exercise times. And start slowly. It’s a good idea to pass a medical exam first, even if you think you don’t have health problems.

Part of my swimming equipment, the neoprene suit and wetsuit vests

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