Acai Berry
Updated on March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Acai Berry is a small round fruit, similar to grapes
Acai is a small round fruit, similar to grapes but with less juice and pulp. Its color is black purple and it is produced by the Acai palm, in bunches or, better, panicles of six hundred up to one thousand elements.
It is very popular in Brazil since long time ago. Recently, with the boom of the antioxidants, the product has become very popular all over the world. As it is difficult to be found fresh in many countries, it is commercialized in bottles, as a juice, or in pills.
Many virtues are claimed for the fruit, but apart from its antioxidants properties, about three times of the grapes or blueberries content, nothing else has been proved. There is no evidence of its “slimming powers” or its “male enhancement virility”.
My advice is to enjoy acai berries, as long as you can get fresh fruit at a reasonable price. You cannot be sure that the dietary complements you may acquire in form of pills or some other manufactured product, can be better that a generous daily amount of fresh blueberries, blackberries or grapes.
You should be cautious with manufactured juices, as many of them have water, colorant and added sugar. Even more, The antioxidant power of the Acai Berry juice is lower than pomegranate and blueberry juice, and red wine.
100 grams of dried pulp acai has 600 calories. (48 grams of lipids, 13 grams of proteins, 34 grams of fiber, 3 grams of sugar). The non desecated fruit is also very high caloric due to its high content in fat (oleic acid 56%; palmitic acid , 24%, and linoleic acid 12% of total fat). Theefore, the only side effect of eating too many acai berries can be increasing weight.
Before ordering acai supplements, be careful to choose the right place. You can be a victim a acai trial offer scam. There a lot of victims of scammers.