The garlic in the Mediterranean Diet. A remedy for gastric diseases
March 14, 2017
I have been more than twenty years using garlic for stomach diseases

I have been more than twenty years using garlic to prevent stomach diseases. On 1980, when I lived in Africa, I had stomach and duodenum ulcers. One day, I tried garlic to cure an intestinal infection as I wanted to keep the antibiotics for more severe situations. Surprisingly, when the infection was gone (I don’t really know if disappeared because of the garlic), I found that my ulcers were much better. Then I continued having 6-7 garlic cloves, mixed with tomato, every morning and in a few weeks I was cured. I have to say that I was abandon by most of my friends because of the odour, but it was worth it!
After that, every two weeks, I prepare a garlic and tomato shake and I drink it. I choose a day that I don’t have to see people. I also ask my wife to drink a little of the mixture as well.
A few years ago I read that the garlic might kill “Helicobacter pylori”, responsible for gastric diseases. I know it is a controversial issue. I am not a doctor. The only thing I am doing is telling my personal experience. Ask your doctor that probably will laugh.
But don’t forget the importance of garlic in Mediterranean Diet